Showing posts with label store policies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label store policies. Show all posts

Friday, March 4, 2011


AC - After Coupon
AR - After Rebate
Blinkie- Coupon can be found on a shelf by the product. The  "blinkie" comes from the box
BOGO, B1G1, B1G1F - Buy One Get One free
BTFE - Box Tops for Education
B&M- Refers to a "brick & mortar" store (as opposed to an online store)
CAT, Catalina - Coupons that print at the register after your purchase is made. These are used like cash on your next purchase.
CPN - Coupon
CRT - Cash Register Tape — often referring to coupons at the bottom of your receipt.
DND- Do Not Double
Double Coupon :: A coupon which can be doubled in value
ECB - Extra Care Bucks (CVS, prints on the bottom of your receipt)
ETA - Edited to Add
ETS -Excludes Trial Size
FAR -Free After Rebate
Filler-A product you buy in order to get your amount to match your total
FS -Free shipping
GC - Gift card/gift certificate
GDA -Good Deal Alert
GM-General Mills
HTH - Hope That Helps
IVC - Instant Value Coupon (Walgreens, found in the monthy EasySaver booklet)
IPQ, IP - Internet Printable coupon
MFG, MFR -Manufacturer
MQ -Manufacturer’s Coupon
MIR -Mail-In Rebate
NED - No Expiration Date
OOP-Out of Pocket
OOS - Out of Stock
OYNO-On Your Next Order
P&G -Procter and Gamble; Coupons in Sunday paper
Peelie -Coupon attached to an item’s packaging which can be peeled off
PSA - Prices Starting At
Q -Coupon
Regional-A coupon or deal available in only a specific area
RP -Red Plum coupon insert in the Sunday newspaper
RR- Register Rewards (Walgreens, which print with receipt)
SCR - Single Check Rebate (Rite Aid)
SS- Smart Source coupon insert in the Sunday newspaper
Stacking-Using a manufacturer’s coupon in addition to a store coupon for an even lower price
Tear pad - A pad of rebate forms or coupons attached to a store shelf
Triple Coupon - coupon  can be tripled
UPC -Universal Product Code
UPR -Up Rewards,coupon you can earn on your register receipt at Rite Aid
WSL- While Supplies Last
WT, Winetag-  Coupon hanging on the package of an item
WYB - When You Buy
V-Valassis coupon insert in Sunday newspaper
$1/1, $1/2- One dollar off one item, one dollar off two items

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