Coupons are like money, most of them are free. A lot of manufacturer have free coupons on their sites as well.
Tip - sign up for their emails with manufacturer companies and coupons will be sent to you.
I have never bought FREE coupons online and I felt kind of bad because I didn't, but
I am glad I never have. I believe in not causing a company to lose any money and being honest.
If you think that you are getting something for free and the company isn't making any money, they are. Stores have to mail the coupon to the manufacturer to get their money back.
Coupons are like cash, so it's a win win situation!!!
I had not heard about this news story on coupon counterfeit I thought it was only with printed coupons that there were some problems with.
Sometimes the cashier
looks at my coupon a second time when I present them. I
always make sure that I tell them that I print my coupons from reliable
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